Testing Azure PostgresSQL connectivity with Python

Ovidiu Borlean
2 min readNov 23, 2022


When you get complains about connectivity issues towards the Azure Database PostgreSQL endpoints, we developed a simple Python script that is continuously testing respective endpoint and save the timestamped output both in stdout and local file.


For running this script, we need to deploy a testing Pod on AKS cluster where we will upload our Python script along with the necessary libraries. For our testing, we used the classic nginx image.

We will start a nginx Pod and will connect to respective resource

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
kubectl exec -it nginx -- bash

We will need to install following packages on this pod:

  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • libpq-dev
  • psycopg2 (Python pip package Ex. pip install psycopg2)

After installing required packages and our script on the testing pod, we need to define the connectivity details used by testing script. All these are exposed as environment variables as follows:

export PGHOST="your-db-fqdn.postgres.database.azure.com"
export PGUSER="your-configured"
export PGPASS="your-configured-password"
export DBNAME="database-name"
export TIMEINTERVAL="5" #Time interval in sec

After these variables configured, we can start our script with:

python3 ./pgsql.py

If connection succeeds, we can see the following output:

Also, these information’s are logged in the file named pgtest.log that can be shared in an emptyDir with the Node for data resiliency or any Azure Storage solution.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/OvidiuBorlean/pgsqltest

